
I tried to make it work, I learnt the hardest way... I lost him in the end and it was over. – You are... Everything I wanna say, nothing that I wanna lose. Feel like I will never break... I ve been mended by you. You re the reason that I wanna stay, the places that I wanna go... Cause I know I ve been mended by you.

I tried to make it work, I learnt the hardest way... I lost him in the end and it was over. – You are... Everything I wanna say, nothing that I wanna lose. Feel like I will never break... I ve been mended by you. You re the reason that I wanna stay, the places that I wanna go... Cause I know I ve been mended by you. слушать песни онлайн или скачать в формате mp3 на телефон, андроид, айпад или айфон вы можете на сайте Axe-Music.ru

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